From Soviet to Post-Soviet Consumerism
07 November 2014

In a sense, life was relatively simple back in the Soviet Union days. Consumers had few choices, and material aspirations were limited to the unholy trinity of “apartment, car, and dacha”. That said, homo Sovieticus spent enormous amounts of time and energy chasing material goods ranging from potatoes to nylon stockings and cars.

Seminar on Mediation as an Alternative Tool of Conflict Resolution
06 November 2014

On November 4, ISET hosted Dr. Tariel Sikharulidze, visiting professor of ESSEC Business School Paris Singapore, Associate Professor of Ilia State University, and Black Sea University, who presented a topic titled Mediation as an Alternative Tool of Conflict Resolution.

Revising Household Needs Index in the Means Tested Formula in Georgia
06 November 2014

ISET Policy Institute was contracted by UNICEF to revise the Needs Index and upgrade it to reflect current reality. Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia, the Social Service Agency, and UNICEF are in the process of refining the social service protection system in Georgia to make it more child-sensitive.

November 03, 2014 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index takes a breather on the way up
03 November 2014

After consistent increases in two previous months, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri stayed at 3.35 GEL in October 2014, unexpectedly bringing the Khachapuri Index to a halt. The Index dropped 0.1 % month-on-month (compared to September 2014) and year-on-year (compared to October 2013).

Georgia Needs Punitive Damages
03 November 2014

A few days ago, I was walking in Kostava Street towards the Philharmony when I passed a construction site that was separated from the sidewalk by a wooden fence. Suddenly, I heard the ugly sound of fabric torn apart. Yes, it had happened! My nice winter coat was ripped up by a rusty nail that stuck out of the fence, causing a huge hole in the coat that went down to the lining.
