ADB's Donghyun Park: Financing Asia’s Future Growth
30 April 2015

On Wednesday, April 29th, ISET hosted Mr. Donghyun Park, Asian Development Bank’s Principal Economist at Economics and Research Department. Mr. Park presented recently published ADB's Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2015 Theme Chapter “Financing Asia’s Future Growth”. ADO is the annual flagship report of the Asian Development Bank.

The US and Georgia: Finding the Common Denominator
27 April 2015

At ISET we teach graduate economics, which uses the mathematical language to analyze economic behavior (“microeconomics”) and macroeconomic systems. Being based in Tbilisi, we heavily depend on “upstream” Georgian educational institutions, such as schools and undergraduate departments at TSU and elsewhere.

ISET Public Lecture Series: Tornike Kadeishvili – Mathematics Everywhere
25 April 2015

On Tuesday, April 21st, Tornike Kadeishvili, Head of Scientific Board of Andrea Razmadze Mathematical Institute and Professor of Mathematics at ISET, gave a public lecture organized by ISET. The presentation was of “popular lecture” type, were Prof. Kadeishvili showed students how mathematics is used in modeling of economic events. More than 100 students and other interested individuals attended the lecture.

April 24, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index for foreign currency earners
24 April 2015

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri in March 2014 was 3.06 GEL, which is 7% lower month-on-month (m/m, that is compared to the previous month), and 3.1 year-on-year (y/y, that is compared to the same month of last year). For foreign currency earners, Khachapuri became even cheaper due to the depreciation of Georgian currency against USD and Euro.

Let Tourists Arrive and Georgia Thrive!
24 April 2015

After the collapse of the Soviet Union it was believed that tourism might become one of Georgia’s “locomotive” sectors. While the Shevardnadze government failed to develop this potential, after the Rose Revolution, tourism became a top priority. Each year since 2005, the direct effect of tourism (i.e. the money spent by tourists) alone has contributed 6-7% of Georgia’s total GDP.
