

ISET Public Lecture Series: Tornike Kadeishvili – Mathematics Everywhere
Saturday, 25 April, 2015

On Tuesday, April 21st, Tornike Kadeishvili, Head of Scientific Board of Andrea Razmadze Mathematical Institute and Professor of Mathematics at ISET, gave a public lecture organized by ISET. The presentation was of the “popular lecture” type, where Prof. Kadeishvili showed students how mathematics is used in the modeling of economic events. More than 100 students and other interested individuals attended the lecture.

Prof. Kadeishvili started his presentation by showing his proof of how the efficiency of a country’s governance can be increased through investing in education.

The mathematical proof of the above included a simple linear model of how a country’s population is related to the number of people who can govern. Afterward, Prof. Kadeishvili explained to the audience how guitar strings can be related to the simple market process of forming equilibrium. He used mathematical tools to show the difference between the vibration of guitar strings and the process of forming equilibrium on the market. Furthermore, he brought the discussion to the difference between Julian and Gregorian calendars and involved the audience in calculating which one is more precise. Lastly, he discussed with the audience how time was accounted for in books of history and showed how different events can be checked using mathematics and astronomy.

Prof. Kadeishvili is a renowned Georgian mathematician with a large number of publications in international impact factor journals. Throughout his career, he has held a number of vising positions in Germany, France, Spain, Mexico, and the United States. At ISET Prof. Kadeishvili teaches four math courses to first-year students and advanced math courses in mathematical logic to second-year students. ISET would like to thank Prof. Kadeishvili for his extremely interesting presentation to students and other attendants.
