Agriculture and Food Production: Potential in Georgia
03 June 2015

The main objective of this project was to analyse the predicted potential for Georgia to specialize in the production of various agricultural goods. APRC assisted the German Economic Team within this project with regards to: searching, collecting and summarizing data, reviewing existing literature to study the potential of agricultural goods which have a relative comparative advantage compare to other.

May 2015 Macro Review | First quarter closes with encouraging 3.2% growth. Export and import dynamics ease pressure on the value of Lari
03 June 2015

According to Geostat’s rapid estimates, Georgia’s economy grew by 4.3% in March 2015. After the slowdown of the last several months, the growth rate in February and March looks very promising. In the first quarter of 2015, GDP growth amounted to 3.2%. In March, VAT payers’ turnover increased by 9.9% annually, and the total consumption of electricity increased by 6.2%.

Alexander Shengelaya: Amazing World of Superconductivity
02 June 2015

ISET continues its Distinguished Professors Lecture Series in cooperation with Tbilisi State University (TSU). On Monday, June 1st, in this installment of the lecture series, ISET hosted Alexander Shengelaya, professor of TSU and University of Zurich. Prof. Shengelaya delivered a lecture titled “Amazing World of Superconductivity” accompanied by the actual experiment about superconductivity.

Admissions Exams 2015: First-Round Results
01 June 2015

As planned, on May 16, 2015, ISET held an Admissions exam in English language and Mathematics. Exams were carried out simultaneously in Baku, Tbilisi, and Yerevan. The Mathematics exam assessed basic mathematical knowledge, thinking, and problem-solving skills. It covered topics from basic algebra, basic mathematics of finance, and basic calculus. The English exam assessed reading comprehension.

June 01, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index about to bottom out
01 June 2015

June is the time of the year when the Khachapuri Index reaches the lowest point in its annual cycle. The supply of fresh milk a key input in the production of Imeretian cheese reaches its seasonal peak a few months earlier, in March and April. The prices of cheese, while declining in a continuous fashion from January onward, bottom out with a lag of two-three months, by June or July.
