Business Confidence Index – Q2 2014
23 April 2014

In the second quarter of this year, the ISET Business Confidence Index registered 21.7 on a scale of 100 points (see methodology below). This is down from the 30.2 recorded in the first quarter of the same year. The positive number nevertheless indicates that the confidence factor among businesses is about 21.7 more positive, rather than negative or neutral (e.g. a confidence index of 100 would have indicated that all firms in the sample reported a positive outlook.

Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia: A Research Agenda
11 April 2014

After many years on the back burner of the policy discussion in Georgia, issues related to agriculture and rural development now seem to be at the forefront of debate. And for good reason, as these issues are incredibly complex and have important implications, not only for those residing in rural areas but also for those purchasing agricultural products in towns and cities.

February 2014 Macro Review | By how much did the Georgian economy grow in 2013. what does the past tell us about the future?
08 February 2014

In recent months, ISET‐PI has devoted considerable time to explore the reasons behind the sharp decline in annual real GDP growth in 2013 (from 6.2% in 2012 to 3.3%). With official data for the whole of 2013 finally becoming available, we are taking this opportunity to revisit our previous conclusions and offer new insights.

German Ambassador Discusses Georgia’s Relations with Germany and Europe at ISET
07 February 2014

On February 5, 2014, ISET was pleased to host the German Ambassador to Georgia, H.E. Ortwin Hennig. The Ambassador gave a presentation about democracy and how a democratic country should execute internal and external politics.

EXPO AGRO TBILISI: Welcome to the Real Agriculture Economy
27 November 2013

As I do every year since I arrived in Georgia back in 2009, this November I attended the Tbilisi International Fair for Agro, Food and Drink Products, Packaging, and Processing. This fair, although very small for international standards (some 60 stands) is actually one of the most important trade exhibitions in the country, and the only significant one with a focus on agriculture and food sectors.
