Quarter 3-4, 2021 | Energy Market Review
24 May 2022

In the third and the fourth quarters of 2021, Georgian power plants generated 3,766 mln. and 3,479 mln. kWh of electricity, respectively. This represents a 27.3% and 34.1% increase in total generation compared to the corresponding periods of the previous year (in 2020, the total generation in Q3 was 2,958 mln. kWh and 2,594 mln. kWh in Q4).

Forest fires and climate change in Georgia – potential ways forward
20 June 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as the global pandemic, have diverted the world’s attention and in general, put climate change and the green economy onto the back burner of the political agenda.

ISET Policy Institute hosts journalists for training within the MediaTOR project
20 June 2022

The ISET Policy Institute, the USAID Economic Governance Program, and Internews Georgia hosted a two-day training course to introduce journalists to the MediaTOR platform and its Library of Economic Reforms for Media.

Challenges and opportunities – making the Georgian energy sector more secure
13 June 2022

During the Russia-Ukraine the EU has become a clear example of how substantial reliance on a single country to satisfy energy needs can threaten nations’ economic development, and how challenging the task of achieving energy security is while substantially depending on a single country in key energy products.

Georgia sanctions study
06 June 2022

Both Russia and Ukraine are among the top five export destinations for Georgia. Ukraine accounted for 9.5 per cent of Georgia's exports in January 2022, while Russia accounted for 12.9 per cent (prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022).
