The World’s Ever-increasing Demand for Energy
06 October 2017

In the world of the 21st century, the number of people living without electricity in their homes is 1.3 billion. Even among those who have access, many do not own basic assets such as refrigerators, motorized transport, or washing machines. However, it is anticipated that over the next several decades, wide-scale poverty alleviation programs, as well as continued economic growth, will lift the incomes of many of the world’s poor.

ISET-PI Researcher Attends the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development
05 October 2017

Between October 4th and 5th, ISET’s Irakli Kochlamazashvili attended the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development, which took place in Yerevan, Armenia.

Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development
04 October 2017

On October 3, 2017, ISET Policy Institute Executive Director Lasha Labadze made a presentation at the conference "Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development,” organized by East European University within the International Scientific Festival, planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

ISET welcomes BA students
18 September 2017

For over a decade, ISET has produced MA graduates whose experience, knowledge, and expertise have allowed them to pursue successful careers across the world. Some stayed in academia, and went on to earn further degrees in the United States and Europe; others moved into public service or the private sector, both at home and abroad, actively working towards regional development or establishing successful careers overseas.

ISET researcher attends agricultural congress in Parma
01 September 2017

Between August 29 and September 1, ISET’s Salome Gelashvili attended the XV EAAE Congress “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society” which took place in Parma, Italy.
