ISET Policy Institute presents research on Armenia and Georgia
12 December 2023

On December 12, ISET Policy Institute hosted a roundtable discussion of joint research of Armenian and Georgian economists on ‘Diverging integration paths of Armenia and Georgia: consequences for export sophistication and diversification’.

ISET Policy Institute provides yet another free RIA training course for local government officials
28 November 2023

On November 28, ISET Policy Institute held a free Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) basic course for local government officials. RIA is one of the best mechanisms for evidence-based policy development, and the preparation of it became mandatory for a number of normative acts initiated by the government since 2020.

World Bank Economists Address Welfare and Inequality in Global and Georgian Contexts at Public Seminar
02 November 2023

On 2 November, ISET hosted a public seminar ‘Poverty and Inequity: Worldwide and

ISET Director speaks at UN Georgia event dedicated to UN Day
24 October 2023

On 24 October, Tamar Sulukhia, Director of ISET’s Policy Institute, participated in a panel discussion at an event hosted by the United Nations. This discussion covered numerous critical topics, such as creating decent jobs within the inclusive labor market, the importance of ensuring effective decentralization, etc.

ISET hosts its second international conference on gender economics. Keynote speakers from Brandeis University and American University in Washington, D.C. give addresses
20 October 2023

October 19-20 witnessed the largest and most high-profile event of ISET’s year: the international conference on gender economics entitled ‘Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Time of Crisis’. The two-day event, hosted by ISET and the FREE Network (the Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies), attracted academics from 15 countries, including Australia, India, the USA, the countries of the South Caucasus, Eastern and Western Europe.
