Regulatory impact assessment of the draft law on food loss and waste
31 March 2023

Food loss and waste (FLW) management and administration is a multidimensional concept, one which encompasses prevention and waste management during food production; post-harvest activities and practices; food safety and hygiene; labeling and date indication; as well as official control and taxation (VAT, income tax, profit tax).

ReforMeter hosted a public-private dialogue on regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform
01 March 2023

ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform.

Developing RIA SME Test Methodology for Georgia while strengthening the capacity of the Government of Georgia in utilizing the SME RIA tools in practice
20 February 2023

ISET Policy Institute, in partnership with UNDP, has launched a new project, entitled "Developing RIA SME Test Methodology for Georgia", with the aim of strengthening the Government’s capacity to analyze policy impacts on SMEs by providing essential tools, knowledge, and practical experience.

Ensuring quality of regulatory impact assessment in Georgia: options for the certification of experts
10 January 2023

The Government of Georgia (GoG) started the process of institutionalizing RIA as an integral part of policymaking almost a decade ago. These efforts culminated with the realization of Ordinance No. 35, Tbilisi, 17 January 2020 (“ordinance” from here on).

ISET Policy Institute hosts seminar on RIA institutionalization
22 December 2022

On 22 December, ISET Policy Institute hosted an online event entitled “Where Georgia Stands on Regulatory Impact Assessments and what is next?”. Norberto Pignatti, ISET Policy Institute’s Lead Economist and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bologna, led the event and provided insights on regulatory impact assessment, a tool for high-quality policymaking.
