Efficiently cutting Georgia’s greenhouse gas emissions
13 September 2021

ISET Policy Institute developed an advanced quantitative model to simulate the potential impacts of energy and environmental policies on the Georgian economy, the Climate Policy Analysis (ICPA), and investigated the economy-wide implications of three alternative policy options (the introduction of differentiated – by sector – carbon taxes, sectoral emission standards, and uniform carbon tax), complying with the emission targets defined in Georgia’s Climate Strategy and Action Plan, to find out the most effective measures and their welfare effects.

Quarter 3-4, 2020 | Energy Market Review
22 June 2021

In the third and the fourth quarters of 2020, Georgian power plants generated 2,958 mln. and 2,594 mln. kWh of electricity, respectively. This represents a 9.6% decrease and 2.4% increase in total generation compared to the corresponding periods of the previous year.

Managing Organic Waste Optimally – the Current Trends and Potential Solutions for Georgia
07 June 2021

As waste accumulation keeps expanding, it increasingly poses a serious threat to human health and the environment. Waste can be the source of many diseases, it emits large amounts of methane (a potent greenhouse gas), and exacerbates global warming. According to World Bank estimates, without urgent intervention, the current levels of global waste will increase by 70% by 2050.

Quarter 1-2, 2020 | Energy Market Review
08 February 2021

In the first and second quarters of 2020, Georgian power plants generated 2,893 mln. and 2,797 mln. kWh of electricity, respectively (Figure 1). This represents a 1.5% and 9.7% decrease in total generation compared to the corresponding periods of the previous year (in 2019, the total generation in Q1 was 2,936 mln. kWh and 3,097 mln. kWh in Q2).

COVID-19 Strikes Again: How the Pandemic is Affecting Georgia’s Energy Security
05 October 2020

Many of us well-remember the cold winter of 2006 when the Russian Federation cut its natural gas supply to Georgia. In general, it is clear that diversification in energy import markets reduces the risk of socio-economic shocks following political tensions with other countries. Fortunately, Georgia managed to find an alternative to the Russian supply and started importing gas from Azerbaijan. This blog will review the current gas import situation and discuss the expected trends in natural gas supply security.
