Priority Investment Sectors in Georgia
30 June 2016

This project identifies sectors and subsectors of the Georgian economy which have a higher potential for growth and which the Georgian Government should prioritise when designing strategies to attract foreign investors and increase EU export levels post DCFTA.

ISET Branded Leader in Financial Transparency
30 June 2016

Transparify, an organization that examines the financial transparency of think tanks throughout the world, has declared ISET a global leader and granted it the Transparify Award.

We'll Take Our Countries Back and Make Them Great Again!
27 June 2016

For the likes of Boris Johnson, currently UK’s most popular politician and a leading figure of the Brexit revolt, “The European Union has become too remote, too opaque and not accountable enough to the people it is meant to serve.” But how about the UK itself? How close are 10 Downing Street or Westminster to the working-class folks of England’s industrial north? How representative is Britain’s Eton-educated ‘political class’ of the people they are meant to serve?

June 27, 2016 Kh-Index | The price of khachapuri for our neighbors
27 June 2016

In May 2016, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.08 GEL, which is 2.7% lower compared to April 2016, but 7% higher compared to May 2015. Come the summer season, tourism provides a major boost to the demand for Georgian products (and their prices).

Norberto Pignatti of ISET to be Invited as Panel Speaker at 2016 IAMO Forum
27 June 2016

The relevance of agriculture in formal employment dropped in many European, Central, and East Asian countries over the previous decades. The mutually reinforcing and interdependent processes of development outside the agricultural sector, along with significant urbanization, have resulted in new dynamics and diversity in the rural labor landscape. Remittances, as the link between urban and international migrants and their original households, have gained importance in sustaining rural livelihoods, especially in poorer countries and regions.
