Georgian Egg Prices: the Roller Coaster Ride Continues
23 September 2014

About 9 months ago, we were already discussing the oddities of egg prices in Georgia (“The Georgian Egg of Discord”, by Giorgi Kelbakiani and Eric Livny). At that time, huge volatility in egg prices could be explained by interesting political dynamics. Under the UNM government, local producers of eggs were largely protected from external competition through non-tariff import barriers, called by the ministry of agriculture a “complete violation of law and international agreements”.

Trade with, or Build Walls Around, Frozen Conflict Areas? That is The Question!
12 September 2014

With Russia creating or helping sustain so many “frozen conflicts” on its periphery, it is crucially important for countries and nations finding themselves in this predicament to work a sound strategy of dealing with the situation. The military option has been taken off the table ever since the August 2008 attempt by Georgia to forcefully bring South Ossetia back into its fold. Thus, countries such as Moldova, Georgia, and now also Ukraine, don’t have too many good alternatives to choose from.

Business Confidence Index – Q3 2014
04 August 2014

Key findings The Business Confidence Index (BCI) improves and reaches 40.4 index points. The seasonal factor has been driving a positive outlook. Most firms are optimistic about the next three months. The sales price expectations are outstandingly increased for the retail trade sector.

Survival of the Fittest in Georgian Agriculture
07 July 2014

The conclusion of the Association Agreement (AA) with the European Union was euphorically acclaimed by Georgian media as well as political and economic decision-makers. Part of the AA is the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). The DCFTA is intended to liberalize trade between Georgia and the EU by lowering tariffs and reducing non-tariff barriers. For agriculture, the most relevant changes relate to food safety (bacterial contaminants, pesticides, inspection, and labeling) as well as animal and plant health (phytosanitation).

Georgia: Benefiting from Global Value Added Trade
01 July 2014

On June 11, 2014, ISET hosted Douglas H. Brooks, the Assistant Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank's Economics and Research Department. He presented Georgia’s main trade statistics and discussed the benefits to Georgia from global value-added trade.
