How to Transform Georgian Agriculture – With Twitter
24 December 2016

Farmers can be much more effective if they have up-to-date information, on prices, practices, and weather. With mobile phones and mobile Internet, they can get this information when, where, and how they need it. The promise of the Internet for agriculture has been a popular idea, and in Georgia, too, policymakers and donors have begun to explore the options. Some pilot projects seek to program specific platforms for farmers, in order to inform and engage them.

ISET-PI Participates in Antidumping Law Discussion
23 December 2016

On December 23, a lunch meeting was organized for EPAC members to discuss whether laws on antidumping are necessary. The event was organized by Georgian Lawyers for Independent Professions, Governing for Growth (G4G), and the Society of Free Individuals. ISET Policy Institute researcher Gigla Mikautadze was invited as a guest speaker and presented his views on the need for anti-dumping regulations and possible economic consequences.

December 15, 2016 FPI | Food Prices Surge Due to Pre-Holiday Fever
19 December 2016

In the first two weeks of December, Georgian retail prices increased. ISET’s Retail Food Price index gained 1.2% m/m (compared to mid-November). Nonetheless, compared to December 2015, the holidays will cost less than n 2016, as we recorded a significant 13% decrease in food prices.

What Chile teaches Georgia
19 December 2016

In 1991, the former finance minister of Chile, Alejandro Foxley, said in an interview: “We may not like the government that came before us. But they did many things right. We have inherited an economy that is an asset.”

December 19, 2016 Kh-Index | Cheese price dynamics
19 December 2016

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri in November 2016 stood at 3.46 GEL, which is 1.9% higher month-on-month (compared to October 2016). The upward trend in the Index at this time of the year is expected and largely related to the seasonal increase in the price of cheese. Reasons for this seasonal price swing can be summed up as follows: supply and demand.
