Price and Prejudice on the Georgian Market for Cigarettes
20 February 2017

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that cigarettes are bad for human health. Yet, whenever the government tries to regulate the consumption of cigarettes by increasing their price, it gets a very mixed reaction from the public. Some people (mostly non-smokers) welcome these policies, while others accuse the government of being greedy and proclaim the policies ineffective. Who is right and who is wrong in this debate? Let’s take a closer look at the facts.

February 2017 GDP Forecast | A disappointing last quarter of 2016 drives grimmer growth predictions
20 February 2017

We started forecasting the annual growth rate at the start of 2014 (see our January 2014 and February 2014 publications for a note on methodology). Based on this month’s data, we expect annual growth in 2017 to be 2.5% in the worst-case or “no growth” scenario, and 3.4% in the best-case or “average long-term growth” scenario.

ISET Students Deliver Policy Seminar On Unemployment Issues
20 February 2017

On February 20, ISET students delivered yet another policy seminar. The seminar was opened by Eric Livny, the president of ISET, who delivered an inspirational speech regarding the jobs of the future. He posed the question, “In this rapidly changing world, what do we need to teach schoolchildren today so that their skills and knowledge are still relevant ten or twenty years from now?”.

February 20, 217 Kh-Index | The khachapuri index and CPI
20 February 2017

In January 2017, the Khachapuri Index continued its upward seasonal trend, and the new average price of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri reached 3.67 GEL. The average price is 1.9% higher than the price was in January 2016. As for month-to-month developments, the price of khachapuri is 1.3% higher compared to the previous month (December 2016).

February 15, 2017 FPI | Garlic Smells Like Money
19 February 2017

Food prices continue to follow the latest trends. Retail FPI shows a 2.6% increase m/m (that is, compared to January 2017) and a 4.9% decline y/y (that is, compared to February 2016). During the last two weeks, matsoni, tea, and carrots lost value (by 10.4%, 6.2%, and 6.2% respectively), whereas the prices of cabbage, greens, and eggplant increased (by 25.0%, 16.1%, and 14.9% respectively).
