Marriage: Till Death Do Us Part(?)
18 February 2017

Marriage is a phenomenon strongly intertwined within our culture and everyday life. It is almost a “must do” thing in Georgian traditional society, and it has to be approved either by religious authority or by the state, or both. A recent study about Georgian youth entitled “Generation in Transition, Youth Study Georgia – 2016” by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, shows the 14-29 age cohort’s perceptions, awareness, and approaches towards marriage.

ISET visits State Military Scientific-Technical Center “Delta”
17 February 2017

On February 17, interested ISET faculty, staff and students visited the Ministry of Defence's research and development centre, Delta, at the invitation of Ilia Zhorzholiani, an ISET alumnus working as the facility's Chief Auditor. The visitors were shown many of Delta's products (which were of particular interest to ISET personnel with prior military experience), including sniper systems, mortars, weapon optics and light armoured vehicles.

Study on trade facilitation in the south caucasus
15 February 2017

South Caucasus Trade Study to identify a number of areas focusing on three thematic components: (i) Trade, export, investment, and private sector development measures, (ii) Border management, (iii) New developments in regional integration.

February 13, 2017 Kh-Index | Khachapuri becomes cheaper for foreign currency earners
13 February 2017

In January, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri continued to increase, ranging from 3.56 GEL (Batumi and Tbilisi) to 3.92 GEL (Kutaisi), with the average cost being 3.67 GEL. The new average price is 1.9% higher than the price in January 2016. As for month-to-month development, the price of khachapuri is 1.3% higher compared to the previous month (December 2016).

Modern Quagmire and Georgia's Trump Card?
13 February 2017

“The fundamental problem for Georgian security is that Russia holds all the major cards and no one is reshuffling the deck in Georgia’s favor”, writes Neil MacFarlane in his 2016 article on Georgia’s security situation. Georgia has a mighty neighbor that is not democratic, does not respect the right of self-determination of nations, and, most importantly, actually brings its military power to bear whenever Russian (legitimate or illegitimate) interests are not sufficiently honored.
