The New Silk Road Chain is Only as Strong as Its Weakest Link
15 October 2015

Speaking at the opening of the Tbilisi Silk Road Forum, Georgia’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgi Kvirikashvili evoked electric circuitry as a metaphor to describe the future of rail and road connections between Europe and Asia. A graduate of the prestigious math and physics Komarov School, Kvirikashvili explained that a sequential circuit – a simple chain – crucially depends on each and every one of its links.

Un-Muzzling the Persian Panther: Where Georgia Stands to Gain from an Iran without Sanctions
07 September 2015

There is a distant rumble in the regional economy – one with a particularly Persian flair. Iranian commerce and exports are about to enter an unrestricted world market as part of the deal negotiated between Western partners and Iranian leadership over its nuclear enrichment program. If Iran can meet the terms of the agreement, sanctions on its exports and imports will be lifted within the next year.

Macroeconomic effects of the global oil price on Georgia
04 August 2015

Oil prices have endured a large and persistent decrease due to increased worldwide production and the weakness of global demand. Prices are soon expected to stabilize around USD 60/barrel. ISET-PI and GET have focused on the improved terms of trade that Georgia could potentially see due to its high share of energy imports compared to its GDP indicators.

Short-run risks and long-run challenges for wine production in Georgia. Summary of results
04 August 2015

Georgia’s wine industry is heavily dependent on export to CIS countries, especially Russia. Two main short-run risks associated with the Russian market presently affect Georgian wine exports: The possibility that Russia might cancel its free trade agreement with Georgia, and the economic slowdown in Russia which could lead to reduced demand for Georgian wine.

Business Services: Potential In Georgia
31 July 2015

The Policy Brief predicted potential for Georgia to specialise in the international provision of business services (PP/01/2015). Potential was predicted in the service trade category of “other business services”, encompassing mainly.
