Business Confidence Index: BCI is at all time low, and points to growing pessimism among entrepreneurs – Q2 2015
15 April 2015

After being steadily optimistic for most of 2014 and in the first quarter of 2015, Georgia’s business confidence dropped by 24.5 points to an all-time low level of 3.6 on a scale of [-100; 100] points. The survey, which included 168 firms, suggests that business confidence declined on all measures, across all sectors, and for all firm sizes. Moreover, it is reflected in business perceptions concerning both current performance and expectations concerning the future.

ISET Celebrates the Spring Holiday of Novruz Bayram!
17 March 2015

On 20-21st of March of every year, Azerbaijan celebrates “Novruz Bayram”, the oldest family holiday in the country. Azerbaijanis from the ISET community did not miss the opportunity to celebrate this great holiday with their ISET family as well, one week prior to the main festive. In the atmosphere of Azerbaijani folk music, ISET students, faculty, and staff tasted delicious dishes from national Azerbaijani cuisine: the Sebzi Pilaf (plov), Pakhlava, and tea with herbs.

Bringing Light to Georgia’s Darkest Corners
19 December 2014

Nodar Dumbadze has a reputation for bringing tears and laughs out of his readers. Yet, when watching his “Hellados” performed in the tiny municipal “Culture House” in Terjola, we were laughing and crying not only in appreciation of Dumbadze's rare ability to weave tragedy and comedy into a single narrative. We were certainly moved by Dumbadze’s story of teenagers growing up in the tough multiethnic environment of Sukhumi, the love-hate relationship between the Georgian Jemal and the Greek Ianguli, and their ultimate love for their homeland.

Armenia Generates Windfall Profits for Georgia
11 November 2014

When Armenia entered the Russia-dominated customs union in 2013, fear spread among the Georgian public and policymakers. It looked as if Georgia would be economically squeezed in between Russia and Armenia, the latter being one of Russia’s staunchest allies in the region and, given its geopolitical dependency on Russia, sometimes seen as a little more than a Russian agent.

The New Prescription Rules: Repeating Western Mistakes
09 September 2014

So far, many Georgians solved minor health problems in a non-bureaucratic way. Instead of consulting doctors, they asked friends, relatives, and the internet what medicine should be taken as a remedy for a given issue. Once they had received enough information, they went to a pharmacy, and, with some additional advice from the pharmacist, bought the medicine they expected to be helpful.
