Sector and Value Chain Analytics – First Report
01 February 2021

This quarterly report provides an analysis of economic trends, as well as denoting the challenges and opportunities (in local, regional, and global contexts) in the selected value chains within six sectors to improve evidence-based decision-making by providing quality information and analytics. These specific sectors are tourism, creative industries, light manufacturing, shared intellectual services, waste management, and recycling, along with cross-cutting sectors. The analysis tracks trends from 2014 to the third quarter of 2020.

January 2021 | Prices keep raising
29 January 2021

In January 2021, the average price of cooking one Imeretian khachapuri stood at 4.84 GEL. Compared to the previous month (December 2020) the Khachapuri Index lost 3.5%. In annual terms (compared to January 2020), however, the index added 12.6%. As shown in the chart, all khachapuri ingredients except eggs contributed to the yearly inflation of the Khachapuri Index. The price of only one ingredient – eggs – decreased by 1.9% compared to the previous year (January 2020).

May Certain Trends Brought By COVID-19 Be Worth Keeping Post-Pandemic?
11 January 2021

The pandemic has taken an enormous toll on human lives and health globally. It has severely impacted the socio-economic state of millions of households, bringing immeasurable human tragedy, paralysis of social connectivity, economic crisis, and, to a certain extent, culture shock.

Enguri HPP Is Closing While Demand on Abkhazia’s Side Keeps Growing: Challenges and Opportunities for The Georgia’s Electricity Sector at the Beginning Of 2021
28 December 2020

According to the last four years’ data, Georgia has a chronic electricity deficit in ten months out of twelve, with the country showing an electricity surplus only in May and June (and, occasionally, in April and/or July). Despite the COVID-19 crisis dampening electricity demand in the country, 2020 was no exception. After two months – May and June – characterized by a positive generation-consumption gap, starting from July 2020 Georgia has been generating less electricity than required to cover consumption.

Improving the Mix and Match in the Labor Market: Can Education Management Information Systems help?
21 December 2020

Education in Georgia is essentially the responsibility of the public sector (the vast majority of total enrolment in the case of General education) and has received a lot of attention in recent years with public outlays to the sector tripling between 2010 and 2019 to reach 3.6 percent of GDP. This remains low by OECD standards, however: OECD countries spend on average a little under 5% of their GDP on education.
