3.97 out of 10 – Pension Reform evaluation
05 October 2017

On September 27, 2017, the first assessment of Pension Reform was conducted, within “ReforMeter”. Based on the Government Survey, 38.8% of the reform is already implemented. At this stage, the reform concept is elaborated and approved by the Government. In October, the draft law will be publicly available. The pension fund functions and obligations are formulated. The regulatory body is defined. Pension system operating rules are designed.

ISET-PI Researcher Attends the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development
05 October 2017

Between October 4th and 5th, ISET’s Irakli Kochlamazashvili attended the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development, which took place in Yerevan, Armenia.

Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development
04 October 2017

On October 3, 2017, ISET Policy Institute Executive Director Lasha Labadze made a presentation at the conference "Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development,” organized by East European University within the International Scientific Festival, planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

The Global Competitiveness Index Report for 2017-2018 is out and Georgia has slipped just below its 2015-16 level
02 October 2017

On 26 September, the World Economic Forum published The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018. The full report contains detailed profiles and rankings for 137 countries based on 2016 data.

The Long, Hot Summer: Why Did We Witness a Spike in Forest Fires and What Can Be Done About It – Part I
02 October 2017

In the summer of 2017, Georgia experienced an unusually high number of forest fires across the entire country. 35 forest fires were recorded just in August (official data reporting the size of area burned by these fires is not yet available). In almost all regions of the country, several fires were reported. Among them, the conflagration in the Borjomi gorge had the most dramatic consequences: it lasted for seven days (20-27 August), and more than 100 hectares of forest were destroyed. Many people claim that these cannot be all accidental events.
