March 2019 | Agri Review
29 March 2019

According to GeoStat’s preliminary data for 2018, Georgia’s economy grew by 4.7%- the same rate as in 2017. As 2017 was a challenging year for Georgian agriculture, the sector experienced -3.8% negative growth. Unlike 2017, agriculture in 2018 had a positive and rather modest growth rate of 0.7%.

March 2019 GDP Forecast | Will improved CA balance and planed capital investments outweigh pessimism and lack of credit? We’ll see!
11 March 2019

Based on January’s data, we expect annual growth in 2019 to be 4.4% in the worst-case or “no growth” scenario, and 5.5% in the best-case or “average long-term growth” scenario. Our “middle-of-the-road” scenario (based on average growth over the last four quarters) predicts 4.7% real GDP growth.

Regulatory impact assessment of the selected topics under the draft law on rehabilitation and collective satisfaction of creditors
28 February 2019

Reaching European and international standards of insolvency proceedings is considered one of the most important priorities of the Georgian authorities and its international partners for creating enabling business environment and fostering sustainable growth and job creation in the country.

January 2018 Macro Review | Georgian economy – a year in review
22 February 2019

ISET-PI’s leading GDP indicator forecast, made at the beginning of the year, was more precise. At the time, we predicted 4.6% annual growth in the worst-case, “no growth” scenario, and 5.6% in the best-case or “average long-term growth” scenario. While our “middle-of-the-road” scenario predicted the exact 4.8% real GDP growth.

February 2019 GDP Forecast | First predictions, middle-of-the-road scenario: Georgia’s real GDP is expected to grow by 4.4% in 2019
11 February 2019

Geostat has published its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for the fourth quarter of 2018, and their estimated growth stands at 4.8%, which is 1.1 percentage point above ISET-PI’s most recent forecast.
