Regulatory Processes for Georgia's SME Sector: Introduction of the SME Test
27 November 2023

In a landmark event held today, key stakeholders gathered to explore and introduce a groundbreaking

ReforMeter hosted a public-private dialogue on regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform
26 October 2023

ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform.

RIA accountability
05 June 2023

The majority of those of us who work in the media, and I am probably not being biased if I say particularly those of us who work in the business media, were eagerly awaiting the implementation of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) mechanism in our country.

ISET Policy Institute provides free RIA training course for local government officials
27 April 2023

On April 24th and 27th, ISET Policy Institute held a two-day free Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) basic course for local government officials. RIA is one of the best mechanisms for evidence-based policy development, and the preparation of it became mandatory for a number of normative acts initiated by the government since 2020.

RIA institutionalization reform assessment
31 March 2023

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a process of evidence-based policymaking, which helps in complying with better regulatory principles and designing better regulations. RIA is a tool for transparency of the legislative process. The issue of RIA institutionalization has been a commitment envisaged in the international and national policy documents of Georgia.
