March 2024 | Agri Review
01 April 2024

In June 2023, responding to appeals from the Georgian Flour Producers Association, the Georgian government imposed a temporary import duty on wheat flour imported from Russia. This advocacy by the Association began after Russia implemented a “floating tariff” on wheat in 2021, making wheat imports more expensive compared to wheat flour.

Quarter 3, 2023 Macro Review | Economic landscape in Georgia: navigating growth amidst global uncertainties and regional dynamics
29 December 2023

The global recovery from both the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine is progressing slowly and unevenly. While there was initial economic resilience earlier in the year, marked by a rebound in reopening and efforts to reduce inflation, it is premature to feel reassured. Economic activity has yet to fully return to pre-pandemic levels, particularly in emerging markets and developing economies, and regional disparities are widening.

Risks of Russian business ownership in Georgia
11 December 2023

This policy brief addresses risks tied to Russian business ownership in Georgia. The concentration of this ownership in critical sectors such as electricity and communications makes Georgia vulnerable to risks of political influence, corruption, economic manipulation, espionage, sabotage, and sanctions evasion. To minimize these risks, it is recommended to establish a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening mechanism for Russia-originating investments, acknowledge the risks in national security documents, and implement a critical infrastructure reform.

ISET Policy Institute discusses risks associated with Russian business ownership in Georgia
03 October 2023

On October 3, ISET Policy Institute and Zinc Network organized a public presentation: A Study on Risks Associated with Russian Business Ownership in Georgia. The event was attended by representatives from local and international institutions, civil society organizations, and the broader public.

A study on the risks associated with Russian business ownership in Georgia
02 October 2023

To identify the specific risks associated with Russian business ownership, this study draws upon a comprehensive literature review and conducted expert interviews. The study places Russia within the context of a global threat actor and examines the exploitation of private business ownership by hostile state actors as a hybrid threat.
