Unlocking opportunities: the economic benefits of EU candidate status for Georgia
18 December 2023

As Georgia advances on its path toward European Union (EU) candidacy, the anticipated economic benefits, increased foreign investment, and alignment with European standards present a promising trajectory, worthy of further attention within the following article. The granting of European Union candidate status is a significant political signal, one which represents an initial step towards acknowledging that a candidate country is on the path towards eventual EU membership.

Public Discussion Explores EU's Geoeconomic Strategy: Strengthening Ties with Neighbors
28 November 2023

In a collaborative effort between the ISET Policy Institute, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, and Bertelsmann Stiftung, a public discussion titled "Keeping Friends Closer: Why the EU should address new geo-economic realities and deepen partnerships with its neighbors" took place on 28th November 2023, at ISET.

Prof. Andre de Palma discusses the potential economic and social impact of low-emission zones
14 November 2023

Dr. André de Palma, a distinguished Professor at CY Cergy Paris Université, THEMA, recently presented a seminar at ISET on the “Impact of low emission zones on spatial and economic inequalities using a dynamic transport simulator.” His presentation addressed the critical issue of air pollution – estimated to have caused 311,000 premature deaths in the EU in 2023, with associated costs reaching €224 billion or 1.4% of GDP.

SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024
02 October 2023

The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme is undertaking the "EU4Business: From Policies to Action – Phase 2" project in Eastern Partner (EaP) countries, funded by the European Union. The initiative focuses on enhancing competitiveness and business environment reforms at both country and regional levels.

ISET Policy Institute and Rustavi-based organizations discuss Georgia’s European perspective and effective policymaking
26 September 2023

On 26 September, ISET Policy Institute, with support from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations in Rustavi to introduce its activities and key products.
