Study on Private Service Providers in Organic Hazelnut Value Chain in Georgia
01 October 2018

This report covers the process and results from the value chain analysis conducted on the hazelnut sector in West Georgia. The study presents a basis to shape interventions of the forthcoming ‘Phase II: Fairtrade & Organic Hazelnut Value Chain Development for Small Farmers in Western Georgia’ project, which is to be implemented by the Consortium (ELKANA, HEKS/EPER, ANKA and PAKKA) with the financial support of DANIDA.

September 2018 | Agri Review
30 September 2018

Agricultural production has decreased by 0.8% in the second quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017. In spite of decline in agricultural production, FDI in agriculture has increased. While FDI in agriculture is relatively low compared to the other sectors of Georgian economy, it should be noted that, agricultural FDI in the second quarter of 2018 reaches its maximum for the last three years.

Grant Writer
28 September 2018

Grant Writer works closely with the ISET team to develop project concepts, elaborate all required elements, and write multiple drafts of the grant applications for review and revision. Work includes all elements of grant applications and close coordination with team members.

28 September 2018

Editor reviews all ISET documents submitted by ISET-PI Centre Heads and researchers, including but not limited to blogs, indices, reports, summaries, and other miscellaneous texts for English accuracy and comprehension, as well as for narrative cohesion and clarity.

CERGE-EI Fellow Conducts Intensive Summer Course for ISET's BA Students
28 September 2018

William Morris Appleman, Ph.D. Candidate at the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) conducted a one-week-long intensive course entitled "Fundamental Principles of Economics" for the second cohort of our brand new BA program (first cohort students were also invited and many attended).
