What Does It Take to Become a “Vakeli“?
01 April 2017

Vake has always been one of the most prestigious districts in Tbilisi and being a “Vakeli” has been associated with high social status for no obvious reasons. In the picture: Vake Park, one of a few green places in Tbilisi and thus a big asset for the Vake district. Maybe having an opportunity to walk every day in this park makes people living in Vake so special.

March 15, 2017 FPI | Fierce Competition between Supermarkets?
04 March 2017

Retail food prices in Tbilisi supermarkets increased by 1.4% m/m (that is, compared to the middle of February) and 3.8% y/y (that is, compared to March of 2016). On a biweekly basis, the biggest price increases happened for eggplants, onions, and rice (price increased by 34.3%, 21.7%, and 19.2%, respectively).

February 13, 2017 Kh-Index | Khachapuri becomes cheaper for foreign currency earners
13 February 2017

In January, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri continued to increase, ranging from 3.56 GEL (Batumi and Tbilisi) to 3.92 GEL (Kutaisi), with the average cost being 3.67 GEL. The new average price is 1.9% higher than the price in January 2016. As for month-to-month development, the price of khachapuri is 1.3% higher compared to the previous month (December 2016).

February 06, 2017 Kh-Index | Will cheese prices continue to rise?
06 February 2017

In January, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri continued to increase, ranging between 3.56 GEL (Batumi and Tbilisi) and 3.92 GEL (Kutaisi), with the average cost being 3.67 GEL. The new average price is 1.9% higher than the price in January 2016. As for month-to-month development, the price of khachapuri is 1.3% higher compared to the previous month (December 2016).

January 30, 2017 FPI | Partying after Fasting?!
31 January 2017

By the end of January, food prices in Tbilisi’s major supermarkets had increased by 7.2% compared to December 2016. Although prices increased m/m, there was a slight decrease in prices y/y. Food prices declined by 5.5% compared to January 2016.
