ISET Shared Georgian Experience of Economic Transformation with the Ukrainian Delegation
16 March 2015

On March 12, ISET hosted the Ukrainian delegation within the scope of the project “Ukraine out of Crises through Dialogue” implemented by the Caucasian House. The main purpose of the meeting was to share the experience of Georgian economic transformation throughout the last decade. It was the second meeting in the framework of this project. ISET hosted the first delegation in November 2014.

The Spinning of Georgia’s Political Carousel, 2004-2014
14 November 2014

Every cloud has its silver lining and, like many observers, we find some comfort in the fact that the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tamar Beruchashvili, is no newcomer to policymaking and politics. The appointment of this seasoned career diplomat, who has for years handled Georgia’s relations with Europe, suggests that Georgia’s political system is slowly but surely gaining in strength and maturity.

People’s Right to Self-Determination; Separatism in a Contemporary International Context
31 October 2014

ISET continues a Lecture Series of TSU’s Distinguished Professors. Once a month notable TSU professors from various faculties deliver a one-hour presentation for ISET-ers.

Crime and Punishment in Georgia
28 October 2014

According to CRRC Barometer surveys and other opinion polls, the police has been until quite recently one of the most respected institutions in Georgian society. With 88% of the population holding a favorable view of its performance, police came second after church (93%) in the 2011 survey conducted by the International Republican Institute.

Market Twilight
21 October 2014

Last week, I began to discuss the question of whether Francis Fukuyama’s hypothesis about convergence to liberal democracy and capitalism is at least partially right. While the countries of the world have not been moving towards democracy in the last 25 years, he could still be right that the future belongs to the markets. This week, however, I will argue that this is not the case.
