February 2019 GDP Forecast | First predictions, middle-of-the-road scenario: Georgia’s real GDP is expected to grow by 4.4% in 2019
11 February 2019

Geostat has published its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for the fourth quarter of 2018, and their estimated growth stands at 4.8%, which is 1.1 percentage point above ISET-PI’s most recent forecast.

The Farsighted Stability of Global Trade Policy Arrangements
07 February 2019

One of ISET’s core values is to provide its students with an international academic environment. One of the key aspects of this mission is the academic seminars the institute periodically hosts; many outstanding scholars have visited ISET to present their research results and discuss issues in the focus of academic circles all over the world.

We Don't Need No Regulation: On Georgia’s Dairy and Livestock Sector
04 February 2019

Dairy production in Georgia is a hot topic right now. Over the last couple of years, new state regulations have been adopted in this sector. The most widely discussed recent change in regulations prohibits the use of milk powder in cheese production. This regulation was adopted in 2015 but was amended in June of 2017 in order to better serve consumer interests.

PhD Studies – Who Is It for?
04 February 2019

“You need to think carefully before you jump into this deep sea,” said Professor Daniel Levy at the very beginning of a presentation entitled “Ph.D. Studies – Who Is It For?”. While this statement sounded frightening to those who were planning to pursue a Ph.D. or other further studies, it appeared to be more bemusing for others who were not considering a career in academia.

February 4, 2019 | The end of the festive period
04 February 2019

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in the first month of this year is 3.62 GEL, which is 3.2% lower – m onth-on-month (compared to the previous month), and 2.5% lower year-on-year (from January 2018).
