Land – Who Cares?
14 December 2011

Classical production theory knows three so-called “production factors”: labor, capital, and land. One needs a certain amount of each of these factors in order to set up a production of whatever good. Then, in the 20th century, it became common to not count land as a separate production factor anymore.

Assessing the Research and Training Needs for Georgian Energy Sector
08 November 2011

Partnering with the Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia (AYPEG), ISET Policy Institute completed the project Assessment of the Research and Training needs For Georgian Energy Sector. This involved the interviews with the representatives of the companies operating in the energy sector of Georgia, both private and governmental (GNERC, ESCO, GSE etc.) and the large energy consumer companies (45 companies in total).

Assessment of the Research and Training Needs of Georgian Energy Sector
30 September 2011

The aim of the report is to summarize main findings from the interviews conducted by AYPEG and provide suggestions and recommendations for the research and training needs in the Georgian energy sector.

Informality in the Georgian Labor Market
04 July 2011

Understanding the Puzzle of Informal Employment in Georgia.Implemented in partnership with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), this research project seeks to analyze the links between informal and formal labor markets in Georgia, providing an opportunity to assess the impact of changes in labor legislation introduced as part of the effort to approximate Georgia's legal and regulatory environment to that of the EU
