Who Is the Surgeon?
18 February 2019

Riddles are fun; sometimes, though, they teach us more than expected. Consider this riddle, for example. A son and his father get into a terrible accident; the father dies immediately while the son is rushed to the hospital for an urgent operation. A minute after being called in, a prominent surgeon steps out from the operating room and says “I cannot operate on this boy; he is my son”. Who is the surgeon? Take a guess!

February 18, 2019 | Wheat is becoming more expensive, again!
18 February 2019

In January 2019, the cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri decreased comparatively both annual and monthly, ranging between 3.56 GEL (Tbilisi) and 3.70 GEL (Kutaisi), with an average cost of 3.62 GEL. The new average price is 2.5% lower than in January 2018. As for the month-to-month development, the price of khachapuri is 3.5% lower compared to the previous month (December 2018).

Labor Market Discrimination and the Macroeconomy
14 February 2019

On February 14, Prof. Muhammad Asali delivered a research seminar and presented his work on the relationship between the labor market and the healthiness of the economy. The paper, entitled “Labor Market Discrimination and the Macroeconomy,” which is a joint work with his former student Ms. Rusudan Gurashvili, aimed at measuring and documenting the discriminatory wage gaps in Georgia within gender and ethnic dimensions.

Georgia - Country Profile
14 February 2019

After independence from the Soviet Union, Georgia started experiencing a significant rise in the number of boys born compared with the number of girls, the sex ratio at birth. As of 2004 Georgia had one of the highest sex ratio at birth rates in the world, but by 2016 the ratio was at the biologically normal level. The country’s unique position provides valuable knowledge and experience.

William Nordhaus’ Models – a Dubious Equation for the Climate Debate
13 February 2019

In preparation for the COP24 climate change conference in Poland, in December 2018, researchers published a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) outlining how significant the consequences of climate change would be following a global increase in temperature of just a half degree, from 1.5 to 2 degrees C. In the wake of the newly released IPCC report, alongside William Nordhaus’ Nobel Memorial award, this year’s winner in economics, a heated debate has surfaced.
