Can Big Business Gain Access to Cheap Electricity?
31 January 2013

Can Georgia stimulate investment in electricity-intensive sectors by providing cheap electricity? To answer this question one has to first analyze the behavior of the wholesale electricity market during the past 3 years.

A Comparison of Unit Labor Costs in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
17 January 2013

Wages and productivity levels differ across countries. For instance, in 2011 the average yearly income in the US was about $53 000, whilst the same indicator was $250 in Madagascar.

Snobbism and Status Concerns – Primitives of Georgian Socio-historical Psychology and Their Economic Implications
09 January 2013

In 1905, Max Weber, in his masterpiece, “The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism”, proposed an interesting hypothesis which claimed that Protestantism, Calvinism, and Puritan ethics influenced the development of capitalism.

Computable General Equilibrium Model for Georgia
03 December 2012

Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is an analytical tool commonly used by countries and international financial institutions to simulate policy interventions. CGE applications are not limited to any particular policy area. Their usefulness is highest when the simulated policy intervention is expected to generate significant feedback effects or spillovers into sectors that may not be directly affected.

Math Education – an Engine of Economic Growth in the 21st Century
23 November 2012

Mathematical literacy has always been a key factor in improving a country’s productivity and competitiveness. Stanford University’s Eric Hanushek has shown that there is a positive relationship between students’ performance in mathematics tests and economic growth.
