Since When Do Georgians Trust Banks More Than Friends?
07 December 2012

There are different ways to measure the success of nations. Various surveys are conducted and different indices are compiled to measure the well-being of countries across the world.

Computable General Equilibrium Model for Georgia
03 December 2012

Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is an analytical tool commonly used by countries and international financial institutions to simulate policy interventions. CGE applications are not limited to any particular policy area. Their usefulness is highest when the simulated policy intervention is expected to generate significant feedback effects or spillovers into sectors that may not be directly affected.

Does Georgia Need More and Larger Cities?
30 November 2012

We may recall that the Lazika city project has been proposed by the Saakashvili administration to accelerate the process of urbanization. A new city was suggested as a means of absorbing surplus rural population and thus paving the way for land consolidation and greater productivity in agriculture.

Young Females in Powerful Positions on Georgian Facebook
28 November 2012

If you follow modern Georgian electronic media, you have definitely noticed a strange tendency of publishing news pieces based on people’s posts and status updates on Facebook.

Agricultural Productivity in Georgia and Armenia, a Sequel
26 November 2012

In his blog post “The puzzle of agricultural productivity in Georgia and Armenia”, Adam Pellillo raises the following question.
