The Role of Circular Labor Migration in Reducing Unemployment: How Ambitious Should it Be?
18 December 2019

The topic of circular labor migration has recently received increased attention within the objective of reducing unemployment in Georgia. Circular migration Schemes (CMS) are widely recognized policy tools for reducing illegal migration and facilitating the return of migrants to their countries of origin. The Georgian government’s increased interest and efforts to develop circular migration deals with EU member states serve, on the one hand, the long-term objective of addressing the high levels of unemployment, and, on the other hand, to reduce illegal, and stimulate legal, migration.

Business Confidence Index: the retail trade sector optimistic for the holiday season
16 December 2019

BCI in the fourth quarter of 2019 has increased to 18.5 index points, which is 10.2 index points above the previous quarter. The largest increase in BCI was observed in retail trade, followed by the construction industry. In these sectors, the increase in BCI is driven by both increases in past performance and in raised expectations. On the contrary, agriculture is the one industry where BCI decreased.

IEC representative visits ISET, explains scholarship opportunities
10 December 2019

On December 10, ISET was visited by Nino Chelidze, Executive Director of the International Education Center, whose presentation, 'Scholarship programs and study abroad opportunities for Georgian Students', explained the mission and objectives of the International Education Center (IEC), center's ongoing and future scholarship programmes designed for students interested in pursuing their education abroad.

The Georgian Tax Lottery Experiment after Seven Years
06 December 2019

More than three decades ago economists famously concluded that tax compliance is rather irrational behavior. Literature, across a wide range of disciplines, has since been overflowing with analysis as to why we see so much tax compliance in the modern world. The academic literature is concerned with why people pay so much tax or why so many people pay taxes, therefore policy-makers can gain an understanding of the underlying mechanisms, which thus allows them to design appropriate policy actions to boost revenue efforts.

Data Visualization workshop ends; TBC Bank awards BA and MA competitors stipends
05 December 2019

On December 5, the Effective Data Visualization workshop – which was hosted by ISET in collaboration with ForSet and DarkHorse Analytics of Canada – officially came to a close when an award ceremony was held for those participants whose academic performance, significant achievements in data-related economics subjects and outstanding motivation to build future careers in the data-driven economy were of the highest. The winning team received a prize worth 1000 lari.
