Georgia’s Underground Economy
29 May 2015

Economic activities which are not registered (and therefore not taxed) are commonly called Shadow Economy or Underground Economy. Are there shadowy corners in Georgia’s economy? Not just corners!

Assessment of the Georgia Agricultural Card Program
29 May 2015

The objective of the assistance program is the promotion of agro-technical activities (plowing) for cultivating annual crops and supplying the industrial inputs (fertilizers and/or seeds and/or plant protection products); and the promotion of the activities of those land-poor-farmers who only have perennial crops on their lands (the provision of fertilizers and/or plant protection products).

May 25, 2015 Kh-Index | Georgia imports inflation
25 May 2015

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri in May 2015 stood at 2.88 GEL, which is 2.7% lower month-on-month (i.e. compared to April 2015). The Khachapuri Index is actually up by 1% year-on-year (compared to May 2014), suggesting a slight uptick in annual inflation, at least as far khachapuri ingredients are concerned.

NBG’s Giorgi Kadagidze: General Macroeconomic Considerations in Georgia
22 May 2015

On Thursday, May 21st, ISET hosted the Governor of the National Bank of Georgia (NBG), Mr. Giorgi Kadagidze, who delivered a profoundly informative seminar to the ISET community and participants of the ISET Finance Course for Professionals.

Europe Wants Georgia. But Not Georgians
22 May 2015

In March 2015, 31-year-old Tamar Trapaidze died of severe toxicity in Italy. Like many Georgian women of her generation, Tamar was an illegal immigrant employed as an in-home care worker by an Italian family. Being “illegal”, she must have feared deportation, which is probably why she was unable to receive adequate medical treatment.
