Policy Paper on DCFTA Implementation Progress
01 March 2016

Open Society Georgia Foundation commissioned ISET-PI to prepare a policy paper regarding the progress made on the implementation of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) in Georgia and to conduct a training for the members of the European Integration Committee and the Economic Affairs Committee of the Georgian Parliament regarding DCFTA in frames of the project “Raising support and enhancing understanding of the Europeanization process in Georgia

Improving Business Access to Electricity in Georgia
29 February 2016

Georgia is consistently performing very well in the World Bank’s “Doing Business” (DB) ranking 24th country globally in 2016: DB ranking is made up of several different indicators. Georgia only ranked 62nd for getting electricity (GE). GE indicator is a proxy for electricity supply quality to the business.

The Georgian Trout Sector: A Value Chain Study
29 February 2016

As a freshwater resource-rich Caucasian country, Georgia is well-positioned to produce high quality trout in its mountains. However, the Georgian trout sector is struggling and faces a number of constraints to further development.

Don’t Talk about Georgia’s Future!
27 February 2016

According to Micklewright (Macroeconomics and Data on Children, UNICEF 2000), a share of 7% of the Georgian gross domestic product of the year 1991 accounted for education. In 1994, this number had fallen to 1%. As Micklewright comments, such a dramatic decrease in educational expenditures was never seen before nor afterward in the history of any country. Recovery after the crisis was a long process.

Did Azerbaijan Enter the Post-Oil Era?
20 February 2016

Sometimes, transformation requires a crisis. Economists in particular are very well aware of this maxim. We are reminded of it every time a country undergoes an economic shock. A country in those times is a bit like a patient who gets the last warning from a doctor to drop the unhealthy habits or face irreversible consequences.
