Training in green economy for journalists and students
20 October 2021

ISET Policy Institute, thanks to the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is launching a series of training in Green Economy for journalists and students.

Quarter 2 2021, Macro Review | Mixed blessings of recovery: what does Georgia’s best quarter since the pandemic tell us?
11 October 2021

The global economy continues to recover in Q2 2021 following the deep economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The growth accelerated as a result of the easing of virus-containment restrictions in most countries. IMF (July 2021) estimates that global GDP growth will reach 6% year over year (y/y) in 2021. Though this rebound is uneven – compared to the previous estimates (April 2021), growth projections for emerging markets and developing economies are revised downward.

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the ICT sector in Georgia
11 October 2021

The development of the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) service sector is one of the strategic priorities for the Georgian economy. The sector is characterized by the unique potential to contribute to the country’s long-term growth, create positive productivity spillovers into other industries, and, in the longer term, transform the existing industrial structure of Georgia by moving away from primary production and primary exports.

ReforMeter is back
16 September 2021

ISET’s ReforMeter is back on track to keep an eye on both planned and ongoing economic reforms in Georgia. With that in mind, ISET Policy Institute held an online live event to review the goals and objectives of the project.

Efficiently cutting Georgia’s greenhouse gas emissions
13 September 2021

ISET Policy Institute developed an advanced quantitative model to simulate the potential impacts of energy and environmental policies on the Georgian economy, the Climate Policy Analysis (ICPA), and investigated the economy-wide implications of three alternative policy options (the introduction of differentiated – by sector – carbon taxes, sectoral emission standards, and uniform carbon tax), complying with the emission targets defined in Georgia’s Climate Strategy and Action Plan, to find out the most effective measures and their welfare effects.
