Joint ISET-NBG Financial Literacy Project Analyzed
18 October 2018

On October 18, in collaboration with the National Bank of Georgia and the Administration of the Georgian President, the ISET Policy Institute hosted a presentation about the effectiveness of the “School-Bank” project, which continued with a round table discussion about financial literacy in Georgia.

September 2018 | CCI: Georgian consumer confidence is slightly down. Wonder why?
18 October 2018

In September 2018, the Georgian Consumer Confidence Index decreased marginally by 1 index point compared to August 2018 (from -14.2 to -15.2). Negative dynamics can be observed for the second consecutive month; however, in September, a negative change was observed, caused by a drop in the Expectations Index of 4.4 index points (from -8.7 to -13.1), while in the previous month the decrease was caused by a deterioration in the Present Situation Index, which now seems to have recovered slightly by 2.5 index points, again compared to August, from -19.8 to -17.3.

Georgia’s New Gold Rush: Or the Economic Prospects of Export of Medical Marijuana
15 October 2018

This article continues the theme of ISET Economist blog “Decriminalize Marijuana?” written by my colleague Saba Devdariani in June 2015, where he described the philosophical aspects related to marijuana state regulations and medical consequences of its consumption.

New Hydropower Dam in Georgian Energy System
09 October 2018

On October 2, 2018, Georgian Water and Power (GWP) opened a new hydropower dam in Bodorna (Dusheti region). The construction of the new dam started in December 2017, with the support of the Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO) and the German Investment and Development Bank (DEG), for a total investment of 10 million GEL.

Epic Homecoming: Dr. David Tsirekidze – Success and Failure
08 October 2018

On Monday, October 8, during his visit to Georgia, ISET hosted Dr. David Tsirekidze, the Principal Consultant at Edgeworth Economics (Washington, DC), Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University, and an ISET graduate of 2011. He gave a presentation entitled “Success and Motivation”.
