Policy panel: current economic challenges and opportunities in Georgia
02 July 2024

The Policy Panel: Current Economic Challenges and Opportunities in Georgia was sponsored and organized by ISET Policy Institute as part of the 1st International Conference of the Georgian Economic Association on July 2, 2024, at Stamba.

Europe and our future well-being
03 June 2024

The project aims to raise awareness and boost participation in the democratic process, fostering a strong and inclusive understanding of the benefits of EU integration for all age and ethnic groups in Georgia. Our goal is to communicate the tangible advantages of democracy and the EU path to Georgian youth and regional populations. Utilizing social media, we share compelling evidence highlighting the benefits of a European future for Georgia. The campaign is inclusive, with content available in Armenian and Azeri to reach minority groups.

Georgia’s European future: a hope for resolving political polarization
28 March 2024

Political polarization erodes trust in public institutions, it damages political process, negatively affects economic development, distracts social development and relationships in society, and it may eventually lead to the backsliding of democracy.

Conduct in-depth ex-ante regulatory impact assessment and gender impact assessment for climate law of Georgia
12 February 2024

Georgia is committed to various international agreements on climate change, notably the Paris Agreement and the Association Agreement with the European Union. Recently, in 2021, Georgia announced a new Nationally Determined Contribution, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% compared to 1990 levels.

Identifying sectors with high growth and export potential
01 February 2024

The "Inclusive Access to Markets" (IA2M) project aims to enhance the competitiveness of Georgian SMEs in EU and European markets. Under this initiative, UNDP commissioned the ISET Policy Institute to conduct a study to identify sectors with high growth and export potential. The objective of the study is to analyze existing research materials and data to identify at least six promising sectors or subsectors.
