Risks of Russian business ownership in Georgia
11 December 2023

This policy brief addresses risks tied to Russian business ownership in Georgia. The concentration of this ownership in critical sectors such as electricity and communications makes Georgia vulnerable to risks of political influence, corruption, economic manipulation, espionage, sabotage, and sanctions evasion. To minimize these risks, it is recommended to establish a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening mechanism for Russia-originating investments, acknowledge the risks in national security documents, and implement a critical infrastructure reform.

Realizing the trade potential of the middle-corridor: a private sector perspective from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Türkiye
06 March 2023

The OECD, in partnership with the ITF, is set to conduct an analytical study focusing on Türkiye, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan—the key countries of the Middle Corridor. The study aims to pinpoint bottlenecks and reform requirements related to infrastructure, trade facilitation, and political support.

Public-private dialogue on e-commerce reform
04 April 2022

The reform aims to facilitate E-commerce in Georgia by developing a legal and regulatory framework and the necessary technical infrastructure. It consists of many different aspects, incorporating the activities of implementing government agencies, other public sector stakeholders, and the private sector.

The “Livability Puzzle” of the Georgian Countryside
24 May 2021

In a recent ISET Economist blog post, Luc Leruth explores the notion of a spatial fracture in Georgia. He wonders whether people will become accustomed to working remotely, with the COVID crisis having given them this fresh opportunity. If so, this could help decrease the strain on Tbilisi infrastructure by slowing down migration to the capital. Will COVID, unexpectedly, convince people to continue working remotely and settle outside Tbilisi in the countryside?

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on tourism local fee
09 March 2021

This in-depth study seeks to quantify the costs and benefits associated with introducing a local tourism fee to support public services and touristic infrastructure in Georgian municipalities. Locally generated and retained fee revenues are one of the best methods for boosting local economies and maintaining tourist infrastructure. A tourism local tax and/or fee is an internationally accepted practice and is paid by non-residents when staying in local tourist accommodations and when receiving specialized services.
