ISET Policy Institute's statement
03 May 2024

ISET Policy Institute, which since 2011 has been in service of the development agenda of the country through economic policy dialogue and evidence-based economic research condemns the government’s recent actions and reintroduction of the so-called ‘Russian Law’ that jeopardizes country’s European integration and puts its cooperation with authorities on hold until the Georgian government returns into service of the country’s European aspiration.

March 2024 | Agri Review
01 April 2024

In June 2023, responding to appeals from the Georgian Flour Producers Association, the Georgian government imposed a temporary import duty on wheat flour imported from Russia. This advocacy by the Association began after Russia implemented a “floating tariff” on wheat in 2021, making wheat imports more expensive compared to wheat flour.

ISET Policy Institute and Kutaisi-based organizations discuss Georgia’s European perspective and effective policymaking
25 July 2023

On 25 July, ISET Policy Institute, with support from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations, and from the Kutaisi public and private sectors, in order to introduce its activities and key products.

ISET Policy Institute and Ozurgeti-based organizations discuss Georgia’s European perspective and effective policymaking
24 July 2023

On 24 July, ISET Policy Institute, with support from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations, and from the Ozurgeti public and private sectors, in order to introduce its activities and key products.

ISET Policy Institute conducts green economy training for local government officials
22 May 2023

On May 22nd, the ISET Policy Institute, with the valuable support of the Swedish government, conducted a basic online course on the topic of green economy exclusively for local government officials.
