
The Water Policy Outlook study aimed to compare and contrast existing policy frameworks against the long-term strategic plan and vision for the water sector by respective governments. The outlooks aimed to map the future policy challenges and policy reform opportunities required to achieve these long-term strategic objectives. This innovative work was applied in Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine for the first time in 2019-20. These countries are of particular interest, as many of the long-term strategic objectives are based on Association Agreements with the European Union, which set the ambition and direction of water policies and contain time-bound requirements to approximate to EU legislation including the Water Framework Directive.
The outlooks baseline the country policy framework and current performance and challenges and define the long-term vision and aspirations to 2030, identifying opportunities for improving policy coherence and reform. These outlooks are intended to be used to stimulate policy discussion at the national level and have the potential to be replicated in other countries throughout the EECCA region as methodology is further developed and refined.
See the full report - ENG