
The proposed project aims at strengthening entrepreneurial education and training in formal TVET system in Georgia.
The project will address well-documented gaps (see ISET’s 2016 report) in the delivery of entrepreneurial training by TVET institutions. While mandatory since 2015, the entrepreneurship module is taught in a superficial manner. The main EQE-approved Entrepreneurship textbook is short on real life Georgian examples. Most entrepreneurship teachers have no industry or business-related experience and are not familiar with interactive case study-based teaching methods. TVET institutions rarely engage private sector representatives or young entrepreneurs as role models for TVET students. Consequently, only 5% of TVET 2014 graduates are self-employed, according to the MoES’ Statistical Bulletin (2013-2015).
The project has 4 components:
- Create and pilot improved course materials: develop and deliver original case studies of Georgian start-up companies and young entrepreneurs;
- Strengthen VET teachers’ capacity: teachers of the entrepreneurship module get trained in business case development and teaching (learning by doing);
- Strengthen linkages between VET providers and businesses: young entrepreneurs and businesses operating in the local community get engaged as role models and advisors;
- disseminate and mainstream best practices of entrepreneurship training: teachers from a broader range of TVET providers are trained to integrate case study material, organize company visits and guest lectures. In addition, the results of the project are communicated among a wide range of stakeholders.
General Information about the Donor:
- Industry-led Skills and Workforce Development is a $16 million project of the Millennium Challenge Account-Georgia funded under the second $140 million Compact between the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Georgia;
- The Project is implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia;
- The Project supports the development of industry-relevant programs and the capacity of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) providers.