
Khachik Gevorgyan, the founder and CEO of ARMACAD, visited ISET to meet the institution's faculty and students and introduce ARMACAD, a special platform for universities and academic centers to present scholarships, conferences, grants, and study opportunities to the audience. The main focus of the presentation was to demonstrate, to show the easiest way to search, browse and find relevant information in any academic discipline.
ARMACAD helps people all over the world to find hundreds of study opportunities such as scholarships, conferences, fellowships, grants, and summer schools in different fields such as arts, design, business, economics, management, political sciences, etc. The main idea behind the newly-established platform is to connect organizations and students.
ARMACAD was launched as a small, local platform in Yerevan as a coping mechanism, with the information-sharing problem being described as an “academic announcement monopoly” by Mr. Gevorgyan to help local students get access to different study opportunities around the world. However, the initial success of the platform led its founders to broaden their perspectives and set larger goals of covering not only Armenia but the whole region of the South Caucasus and gradually making it an international platform. As of today, more than 1 million studies and research opportunities are published annually and the number of subscribers has reached 40,000 users.
The ARMACAD team continues to think of ways to further the platform, and regularly adds new features that help its users better navigate the system and organize their own dashboards so as not to miss deadlines, which is seemingly a very common problem with these kinds of websites.
ARMACAD is a wonderful opportunity for people to connect with universities and academic institutions and deepen their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. It is also a great tool for universities to help them deliver information about available activities and courses to targeted audiences.