
On March 7-8, ISET’s ENPARD team with an M&E coordinator from CARE, took a field trip to Adjara, hosted by UNDP Adjara, which is one of the implementer of the ENPARD project (agricultural cooperative development across Georgia). UNDP Adjara recently became involved in the Annual Cooperative Survey, which has been carried out from the beginning of the implementation of the ENPARD project by other ENPARD implementer consortia (Care, Oxfam, Mercy Corps and PIN). The objective of the visit was to explain the details of the questionnaire for the survey to the local team.
During these two days, ISET and local team members met representatives from cooperatives in the region. The sectors covered by these cooperatives are trout, berries, wine production, as well as vegetable production in greenhouses.
The ISET team became familiar with their activities and produce. Within this visit, 6 cooperatives were surveyed, and all the issues raised during the process were discussed and clarified in depth with UNDP Adjara team. The field trip was evaluated as very informative and productive.
The Annual Cooperative Survey is conducted with ENPARD-supported cooperatives (more than 260 for now) every year to track their development and report to the stakeholders.