Capacity building

The project "Managing Public Investments at the Municipal Level in Georgia" has been implemented by NISPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe), in co-operation with the Project Partner Institutions NALAG (The National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia) and ISET Policy Institute.
The project is supported by SlovakAid, a Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Programme.
The aim of the training series was to enable Georgian municipalities to manage efficiently and effectively their public investments and develop public investment strategies. With this purpose, ISET-PI Research Fellows developed the training module on managing investments and public finance at the municipal level in Georgia. The development of the training modules was supervised by public finance experts from Slovakia.
More than 60 municipal officials from almost all regions of Georgia were trained. There were represented the participants from Batumi, Rustavi, Dusheti, Mtskheta, Borjomi, Poti, and other municipalities. The training was divided into three main modules:1. Municipal Investment Management and Appraisal; 2. Public Finance Management; and 3. Project Management. The modules were introduced in two different manners: Investment Appraisal intensive was designed for municipal officers from economic departments and Public Finance intensive for municipal officers from Finance departments.