
• Investments in real estate compensates for risk premiums (compared to money deposits) and more than covers its costs (Mortgage interest rate).
• Average rental price for residential property continues to fall and reaches its historical minimum since March 2013.
• Despite the lari depreciation, the average residential sale price did not decline and even increased by 0.3% compared to the same period in the previous year.
In December 2014, rental and sale prices of residential property continued to follow their long run trends. Average rental prices continued to decline in December, reaching a minimum of 8.3 USD per m2, while the residential rental price index decreased by 4.3% compared to the same period of last year. Regarding sale prices, the average slightly increased relative to November, reaching 934 USD per m2, while the sale price index increased only slightly by 0.9% in annual terms.
The Residential Sales Price Index (SPI) for Tbilisi increased moderately in April and May of 2021, however it decreased slightly in June and amounted to 114.4 index points (equaling 100 in the base period of January 2019). Compared to the second quarter of 2020, the SPI showed an increase in Q2 2021 – with the largest change of 7.9% (YoY) in June 2021.
After a decline in January 2021 compared to December 2020, the Tbilisi Residential Sales Price Index (SPI) showed an upward trend in Q1 2021, increasing from 110.7 index points in January 2021 to 113.5 index points in March 2021 (the index is equal to 100 in the base period, January 2019).
The Tbilisi Residential Sales Price Index (SPI) showed no significant fluctuations from the beginning of 2020; varying between 113 and 114 index points (the index equals 100 in the base period, January 2019).
In comparison to Q1 2020, the GEO real property market contracted significantly by 45.5% in Q2 2020 (from 27,273 units sold in Q1 2020 to 14,855 in Q2 2020) while the annual decrease was observed at 53.6% (YoY) compared to Q2 2019.
In comparison to Q4 2019, the GEO real property market contracted by 21.2% in Q1 2020 (from 34,602 units sold in Q4 2019 to 27,273 in Q1 2020) while the annual decrease was observed at 4.3% (YoY) compared to Q1 2019.