Dumb Farmers Do Not Grow Big Potatoes
12 March 2016

This week, the Georgian public was shocked when a gross lack of competence and aptitude among the country’s teachers was unveiled. As reports on March 10th (quoting a Georgian source), of the 10,552 teachers registered for a competence check that took place in January, only 6,477 showed up in the first place, and of these, only 1,101 passed the test.

ISET Policy Institute's Senior Researcher Attends a Workshop on Food Security and Nutrition
03 March 2016

On March 1-2 APRC’s Senior Researcher Salome Gelashvili attended a regional learning workshop on Food Security and Nutrition organized by OXFAM in Dilijan, Armenia. The overall objective of the workshop was to improve the food security and nutrition policies in the South Caucasus region.

The Georgian Trout Sector: A Value Chain Study
29 February 2016

As a freshwater resource-rich Caucasian country, Georgia is well-positioned to produce high quality trout in its mountains. However, the Georgian trout sector is struggling and faces a number of constraints to further development.

A Georgian Man without Land Is Nobody?
22 February 2016

Just like Duddy Kravitz, Georgian men (and women) appear to be reluctant to part with their parcels of land, however small and unproductive. Whatever the reason, Georgia sees almost no structural change out of agriculture, and, as a result, very low productivity and income growth for the poorest strata of its population. As of today, employment (or, rather, under-employment) in agriculture is a staggering 45% of Georgia’s total labor force.

Young Seedlings of Georgia's Agriculture
15 February 2016

Ancient Greeks’ fascination with Georgia was not limited to the Golden Fleece. Legend has it that ‘Georgia’ comes from the Greek γεωργός (Georgios), reflecting the advanced land plowing practices of Georgian tribes, which distinguished them from their nomadic and yet unsettled neighbors. The Georgians (Colchians and Iberians, to be more precise) must have really made a formidable impression on the Argonauts to deserve such recognition.
