Farmers’ Costs of Reducing Nitrogen Pollution Are High According to ISET’s Pati Mamardashvili
06 July 2016

ISET’s Pati Mamardashvili and her co-authors Grigorios Emvalomatis (University of Dundee) and Pierrick Jan (Agroscope, Switzerland) have recently published their research in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (JARE). The JARE is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes creative and scholarly economic studies in the fields of agriculture, natural resources, and other related areas.

Will Restricting Food Imports Save Georgian Farmers?
04 July 2016

On June 2, 2016, the second EU-supported Farmers’ Congress of Georgia was held at the Tbilisi exposition center. Around 150 farmers from different parts of Georgia had an opportunity to meet with the government representatives and discuss the current challenges of Georgian agriculture.

Food Prices Reach Lowest Mark. At Least in Tbilisi
30 June 2016

Retail food prices decreased by 7.6% m/m (compared to the last week of May) and 10.1% y/y (compared to June 2015). The biggest drops were observed for tomatoes (-65.5%), cucumbers (-63.3%), and eggplant (-33.7%). Only a few products gained in value. The highest increases were recorded for cabbage (12.8%), tea (7.3%), and rice (7.2%).

June 30, 2016 FPI | Food Prices Reach Lowest Mark. At Least in Tbilisi
30 June 2016

Retail food prices decreased by 7.6% m/m (compared to the last week of May) and 10.1% y/y (compared to June 2015). The biggest drops were observed for tomatoes (-65.5%), cucumbers (-63.3%), and eggplant (-33.7%). Only a few products gained in value. The highest increases were recorded for cabbage (12.8%), tea (7.3%), and rice (7.2%).

Knowledge Needs in Georgian Agriculture: The Case of Farming Households
30 June 2016

The UNDP Farmer Knowledge Project was carried out in two phases. Data on Georgian rural households1 was collected by the polling agency Analysis and Consulting Team (ACT) between February and July 2015. 2 This data was analyzed with the purpose of producing policy recommendations by the ISET Policy Institute between November 2015 and July 2016.
