Development of policy alternatives to implement economic instruments of EU WFD
01 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute aims to develop the policy alternatives to be used for implementation of economic instruments for water management based on principles of EU Water Framework Directive.

Do You Have Questions About the Upcoming Pension Reform? Here Are Some Answers
11 December 2017

Over the past months, we have been asked several times questions about the upcoming pension reform. Here are some answers.

Why Is Georgia Importing So Much Electricity?
09 December 2017

In October 2017, Georgian power plants generated 828 mln. KWh of electricity, marginally up (+0.79%) compared to September. Following the traditional seasonal pattern, the share of electricity produced by renewable sources declined to 71% of total generation (87% in September), while thermal power generation’s share increased, accounting for 29% of total generation (compared to 13% in September).

Policy analysis of the ongoing economic reforms
01 December 2017

The objective of this initiative is to complement the mission of ReforMeter by providing an in-depth analysis of government reform efforts through policy briefs, innovative indicators and other analytical products.

The Long, Hot Summer: Why We Witnessed a Spike in Forest Fires, and What Can Be Done About It – Part II (man-made fires)
06 November 2017

Forest fires pose a threat to human life and property. As we discussed in a previous article, most countries throughout the world, Georgia included, suffered from an unusually high number of forest fires during the summer of 2017. In Georgia, this topic was the subject of a spirited public debate about whether these fires were wild or man-made. In our previous article we discussed how natural causes generate wild forest fires.
