This week we are offering a special edition of the Khachapuri Index. For this edition, we asked our relatives and friends who live abroad to tell us the price of khachapuri ingredients they are buying. Unfortunately, they cannot buy Imeretian cheese in their counties of residence, so they usually use mozzarella or feta cheese to make khachapuri. Of course, even mozzarella cheese brands and prices vary from country to country.

ISET proudly presents its brand new Georgian Supra Index, 2016, cooked specially for the Khachapuri Index’s New Year edition. Served on the Georgian Supra Map (supra’s literal meaning is “tablecloth”), our Supra Index measures the cost (in GEL) of a standard supra feast for a family of 5-6 persons across Georgia’s regions.

The New Year is approaching, and Georgian housewives are already preparing for this great event. So does the ISET-Policy Institute. The special dish we have cooked for our readers is a New Year Supra Index. Served on the Georgian Supra Map, the Index shows the cost (in GEL) of a standard supra meal for a family of 5-6 persons in each one of Georgia’s regions.