The GEO real property market grew by 2.4% in Q3 2018, in comparison with Q2 2018. While the annual increase was more pronounced at 24.3% (YoY), in comparison with Q3 2017. Tbilisi dominated the real property market with a 44.4% share in total sales in Q3 2018.

The GEO real property market grew by 10.1% in Q2 2018, in comparison with Q1 2018. The annual increase was more pronounced at 22.7% (YoY), in comparison with Q2 2017. TBS, with a 44.0% share in total sales in Q2 2018, dominated the GEO real property market.

Summer is a good time for traveling to the sea, but now I want you to join me in the journey in time. A memory from my childhood in the early 2000s was the discussion among people about the choice between “Khrushovka” and “Chekhuri.” Households were buying flats and making investments in real estate.

The GEO real property market grew by 0.1% (QoQ) in Q1 2018, in comparison with Q4 2017. The annual increase was more pronounced at 27.2% (YoY), in comparison with Q1 2017. TBS, with a 41.6% share in total sales in Q1 2018, dominated the GEO real property market.

GEO real property market grew by 10.6% in 2017 in comparison with 2016. Annual increase was observed in all quarters, with the highest jump in Q2, 14.2% (QoQ) and 20.0% (YoY).